Section 1: Pre-Registration for Warhawk Walk


Please acknowledge your review and understanding of the following information as you complete the preregistration confirmation form.

     Please Contact School Office at (858) 536-0336                for pre-registration

James Madison High School Academic and Personal Honesty Policy


Student integrity is an extremely important factor in maintaining an academic environment that is fair, and that preserves the dignity of all students. Each student is responsible for helping to keep this environment intact. This policy, developed by James Madison High School staff, students, and parents, is based on the belief that with trust comes the ability to establish productive staff-student-parent relationships. All MHS stakeholders are encouraged to base relationships on this fundamental notion of trust. To violate this trust and respect is a very serious matter. Cheating, in any form, is not tolerated. Cheating undermines the academic process, shatters a student's integrity, and destroys the trust necessary for a productive relationship and our goal of excellence. The acts of academic dishonesty outlined in this policy include cheating on tests, fabrication, unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, theft or alteration of materials, text, assignment avoidance, inappropriate use of online resources, pressure for unsubstantiated grade changes, and knowledge of academic dishonesty. These acts will be dealt with as stated in this policy, parents will be notified, and a referral may be recorded. Academic and citizenship penalties will occur; and depending on the offense, suspension from school and school activities (e.g., dances, sporting events, prom, senior activities, commencement) may also occur. All students will have due process.


1. CHEATING: Any intentional giving or using of outside assistance related to an examination, test, or quiz, without permission from the teacher, including misuse of any form of technology.


  1. Receive a "zero" on the assignment
  2. Citizenship grade lowered
  3. Parents notified
  4. Additional violations: Discipline referral to administration, parent/student conference with teacher and school official, counselor notified; could receive a F/U in the course for the grading period at the teacher’s discretion.

2. THEFT:  Any intentional and unauthorized theft, concealment, alteration, or distribution of student, staff, or library material.


  1. Same as cheating
  2.  Possible criminal charges
  3. Other school-initiated actions

3. UNAUTHORIZED COLLABORATION: Any collaboration between a student and another person at times or in ways that are not permitted.


  1. Same as cheating

4. FABRICATION: Any intentional falsification or invention of data, source, or other authority in an academic exercise.


  1. Receive a "zero" on the assignment
  2. Citizenship grade lowered

5. PLAGIARISM/ALTERATION: Any intentional use of another person's ideas, words, or work as one's own. Plagiarism includes the misuse of published material, material generated by technology, or the work of another student.


  1. Same as fabrication

6. TEST/ASSIGNMENT AVOIDANCE: Any pattern of absences on test days for the apparent advantage of better grades.


  1. Parents will be notified
  2. The continued occurrence may result in forfeiture of make-up opportunities

7. PRESSURE FOR UNSUBSTANTIATED GRADE CHANGES: Any student or parent/guardian requests for a grade change other than to change to correct an averaging recording or other clerical error.

8. MISUSE OF COMPUTERS: Students and parents are required to review and acknowledge understanding of Network Use Guidelines (see below) detailing specific offenses deemed objectionable or dishonest.

9. KNOWLEDGE OF ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Any student who has personal knowledge of a violation of the district policy of academic honesty is to report it to the school authorities. Failure to do so makes a student a party to the cheating and subject to disciplinary action.  

San Diego Unified School District Network Use Guidelines

Please review the linked pages below

SDUSD Student Internet Use Policy

San Diego Unified School District Digital Citizenship and Laptop Care

Your student will continue to have access to their device during 2021. Please review the following information for proper laptop care, connecting to the internet away from school, and ideas for supporting good digital citizenship at home.

Connecting Away From School

Internet (Wifi) access may be necessary for completing assignments.

  • Connect to a home wireless network
  • Connect2Compete is a partnership with SDUSD & Cox
  • Apply for a hotspot by calling 619-260-2460

Supporting Your Student at Home

  • Caring for Your Computer
    • Do NOT eat or drink near your laptop
    • Keep track of your computer - carry your computer with both hands or handle
    • Do NOT leave your computer unattended
  • Cleaning Your Computer
    •  Do NOT use soap and water
    • Use a microfiber cloth or soft towel
  • Charging Your Computer
    • Find a safe spot to charge the computer each night
    • Keep backpack, computer, and charger together in one place
    • Bring them all back to school ready to use
  • District Filter
    • District-installed internet filter
    • Filters at school and home
    • Not 100% foolproof
    • Guardians monitor use at home

Digital Citizenship

We encourage parents to have conversations at home. Here is a resource and possible topics - go to for resources.

  • Learning with Technology
  • Privacy and Online Safety
  • News and Media Literacy
  • Social Media
  • Cyberbullying
  • Screen Time
  • Cellphones
  • Technology Addiction
  • Character Strengths & Life Skills

Madison High School Citizenship Rubric 2021-22

Objective: The objective of this rubric is to help streamline how teachers at Madison High School assign consistent Citizenship grades. The intention is that students will earn their citizenship grades by landing in two of the three categories associated with each letter.


Overall Preparedness and Effort

Social Behavior

Collaboration / 

Class Participation



Helpful without Direction

I am prepared for class and help others do so without being asked. 

I consistently show sincere effort in class.

I do not receive reminders for my behavior and redirect classmates without being asked. 

I help neighbors, the teacher, and collaborate with others without direction. 



Helpful with Direction

I am prepared for class and help others do so when asked.

I frequently show sincere effort in class. 

I rarely receive reminders, but when I do, I respectfully redirect my behavior. 

I help my neighbors, the teacher, and collaborate with others when asked. 



Hinder Myself

I am often not prepared for class. 

I do not put forth effort in class unless prompted.

I receive regular reminders during this grading period and sometimes do not redirect behavior. 

I do not do my part in collaborating with others. 



Hinder Myself AND others

I am often not prepared for class and distract others. 

I do not put forth any effort in class. 

I have received frequent reminders during this grading period and have not taken appropriate steps to correct my behavior or repair relationships.

I do not do my part in collaborating with others and keep others from completing their tasks in class. 

Authorization to Release Information

You will have an opportunity to acknowledge or decline authorization to release information in the pre-registration confirmation as follows:

I hereby authorize my student's school to release educational information, including but not limited to Transcripts, Letters of Recommendation, Financial Aid Forms, GPA Verification Forms, Mid-Year Reports, and Ranking Status and Disciplinary Records. Communication with these entities may be done verbally, in writing, or electronically. I understand that only Private Schools/University/College personnel and their authorized agents will have access to my student's educational record.

SDUSD Photo/Video/Media Release

Please acknowledge your review and understanding of the Photo/Video/Media Release Policy by completing the appropriate section on the online pre-registration form. 


During the school year, our school will hold events that news media and the district may like to feature. A representative may be on our campus to gather photographs and/or video footage highlighting the event and featuring the faces of the San Diego Unified School District. We value your child's participation, and ask for your permission to include him or her. Please indicate your preference by checking the box(es) on the pre-registration confirmation form. You may update this form at any time by contacting our school registrar at 858-536-0336.

Parent Restriction of Student's Participation in Family Life, Sex Education or HIV Prevention Classes

Students in SDUSD high schools receive district sexual health education in Biology courses.

Linked HERE is information to review the curriculum.

Parent Notification and Curriculum Review

  1. Comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention instruction is provided by trained classroom teachers or community-based health educators.

  2. All content complies with California Healthy Youth Act requirements.

  3. Parents/guardians are notified by their child's school before instruction begins and are invited to review instructional materials.

  4. After reviewing materials, parents or guardians may notify the school in writing if they wish to excuse their child from the instruction. For more details on opting your child out of the instruction, please click here.

You may also opt out during the Pre-Registration process.

Madison High School School 2021 - 22 School Parent Compact and Title I Family Engagement Policy

Click HERE to review the James Madison High School 2021-2022 School Parent Compact approved by School Site Council on February 22, 2021.

Click HERE to review the James Madison High School 2021-2022 Title I Family Engagement Policy revised and approved by School Site Council on October 25, 2021.

Section 3: Attendance and Behavior

Be sure to review section 3 linked HERE prior to completing the Warhawk Walk Pre-Registration Form.

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