Student Transfer Policy (Schedule Changes)
Student initiated class changes are minimal and are seldom made after the second week of the semester. Students initiate a change by seeing their counselor before or after school. The change is not complete until the counselor has met with the student, and if necessary, the parent and the teacher. Therefore, students should select their classes thoughtfully and with parent approval.
During registration and the first week of school schedule changes are made for errors in scheduling and inappropriate level placement only. No requests for change of instructor will be considered.
Students and parents select classes in the spring, during articulation, with the clear expectation and understanding that the schedule created is final. Changes will be made if there is either 1) an error in scheduling or 2) an inappropriate level placement. Changing one's mind about preferred classes does not constitute a scheduling error.
Errors in Scheduling
Examples of errors in scheduling:
The student is placed in Integrated Math II but the student earned a D/F in Integrated Math I and therefore must repeat the Integrated Math I class.
The student is not placed in a Period 3 class, therefore the student has an open period.
Student-initiated Changes: Completed with the student's counselor during registration (given priority) or the first week of the semester IF there is a scheduling error that was not corrected earlier. Students should go to the counseling office during the period that contains the error or if he/she is not on the roster, with a pass from their teacher.
Teacher-Initiated Changes: Class changes due to inappropriate level placement, based on the teacher's or counselor's professional determination that the student is inappropriately placed. Teacher initiated changes do not come from a student or parent request.
Inappropriate Level Placement
Examples of inappropriate level placement:
The student is placed in Advanced Biology but did not meet the prerequisites.
The student is placed in higher-level Spanish without sufficient background in the Spanish language to succeed in the class, as determined by the teacher.
Madison High School's policy` concerning the changing of classes (due to inappropriate placement) requires consideration from all the stakeholders in the school community. Beginning the first week of school until the end of the first grading period week (six weeks), teacher-initiated changes may occur, as long as specific guidelines have been met. The change must be in the best interest of the student, taking into account that the leaving and receiving teachers agree to the change, and the size of both classes doesn't violate labor agreements or district policy.
The sequential procedure to facilitate an inappropriate level schedule change is that:
The current teacher consults with the student's counselor and parent(s) about the student's placement.
Teacher or Parent or Student turns in a Schedule Change Form with all stakeholders' signatures.
If space is available in the receiving teacher's class, the change is made by the counselor.
If no agreement is reached, then a request is made for a Vice Principal to mediate.
After the second week of school has started, the following steps must be followed before a parent or student requested schedule change is considered:
Step 1: Student requests and completes a conference with teacher to discuss concerns.
Step 2: If step I does not resolve issue; parent requests conference with teacher and creates a plan of action.
Step 3: Teacher, parent, and student agree that plan of action has been implemented and student has made every effort to succeed in class AND should still be considered for a class change.
Step 4: Student obtains course request change form from counselor and obtains signatures/approval of all affected teachers.
Step 5: Counselor may change student's schedule as long as receiving teacher has seats available at time of the reception of the change form. Administrative approval may also be necessary in some cases.
No changes may be made after the first progress report (six weeks) without approval from administration and only to meet graduation requirements for seniors.