ASB Constitution


We, the Associated Student Body of James Madison High School, hereafter JMHS, in order to fulfill our desires for a more efficient and effective student government promoting equal representation and improving relationships of all students of JMHS, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution as the chief governing instrument of the Associated Student Body (ASB) of JMHS.

Article I


Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Associated Student Body of James Madison High School.

Section 2: The purpose of this organization shall be to initiate and supervise all student activities, to manage student body funds, to encourage high standards of scholarship and citizenship, to advance the welfare of JMHS student/teacher relations, to protect the rights of its members, and to provide a common means of interchange between JMHS and the Clairemont Community.

Article II


Section 1: The official colors of JMHS shall be blue and gray.

Section 2: The mascot shall be a Warhawk.

Article III


Section 1: Any student enrolled and a member of JMHS's student body can become a member of the Associated Student Body Council by submitting a formal application by the pre-designated deadline date; and by either winning in a general election or by interview and appointment, as determined by position. The ASB Advisor shall make decisions concerning membership.

Section 2: All members of the faculty and staff of JMHS shall be honorary members of the Associated Student Body with all rights and privileges except for the right to vote.

Article IV


Section 1: The executive powers of the Associated Student Body shall be vested in a council composed of approximately thirty (30) elected or appointed members of the Associated Student Body of JMHS. Positions include:

  1. Associated Student Body Executive President

  2. Associated Student Body Executive Vice President

  3. Associated Student Body Executive Secretary

  4. Associated Student Body Executive Treasurer

  5. Commissioner of Publicity

  6. Commissioner of Clubs

  7. Commissioner of Fundraising

  8. Commissioner of School Events

  9. Commissioner of Spirit

  10. Rally Coordinator

  11. Commissioner of Athletics

  12. Commissioner of Elections and Recognitions

  13. Commissioner of Hospitality

  14. Commissioner of Service

  15. Hawk Shop Manager

  16. Historian

  17. Senior Class President

  18. Senior Class Vice President

  19. Senior Class Secretary

  20. Senior Class Treasurer

  21. Junior Class President

  22. Junior Class Vice President

  23. Junior Class Secretary

  24. Junior Class Treasurer

  25. Sophomore Class President

  26. Sophomore Class Vice President

  27. Sophomore Class Secretary/Treasurer

  28. Freshman Class President

  29. Freshman Class Vice President

  30. Freshman Class Secretary/Treasurer

  31. ASB DJ / MC

  32. Members at Large

Section 2: The following positions contain additional requirements for eligibility:

a. The Associated Student Body Executive President must be a Senior or Junior during his or her term of office and the candidate must have at least one year prior experience in ASB.

b. The Associated Student Body Executive Vice-President must be a Senior or Junior during his or her term in office and the candidate must have at least one year experience in ASB.

c. The Associated Student Body Executive Secretary must be a Senior or Junior during his or her term in office and the candidate must have at least one-year experience in ASB.

d. The Associated Student Body Executive Treasurer must be a Senior or Junior during his or her term in office and the candidate must have at least one year experience in ASB.

e. Exceptions may be made with ASB Advisor and Administrator's approval.

Section 3: As members of the Associated Student Body Council, each member shall have the duties and responsibilities outlined in the Associated Student Body Guidelines and others as specified by the Associated Student Body.

Section 4: The ASB Advisor and members of the ASB Cabinet shall appoint Assistant Commissioners and committee members in due manner.

Section 5: All the members of the Associated Student Body of JMHS must have earned a grade point average of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale in both scholarship and citizenship as shown by their most recent grade report or grade report card. All members must maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average in both scholarship and citizenship. ASB members who earn a below a 'C' or citizenship grade of 'N' or 'U' in any class or who fall below a 3.0 GPA shall be placed on probation for a period of six weeks. The Associated Student Body Advisor must approve any exceptions. Probation results in the temporary loss of ASB Representative benefits, which are to be determined by the ASB Advisor.

Section 6: If any elected or appointed officers' eligibility falls below those required for office, he/she shall be given six weeks in which to regain eligibility during which their voting rights will be suspended. If, at the end of that period, he/she fails to do this, the office shall be declared vacant by the Associated Student Body Advisor and shall be filled in accordance with the terms and bylaws of this constitution.

Section 7: All Associated Student Body elected and appointed officers must fulfill the requirements described in the Associated Student Body Grading Policy found in the course syllabus. Any infraction may result in lowering of the ASB citizenship and academic grade, and may also be grounds for the recall and discharge of that officer following the procedure outlined in this constitution.

Section 8: Any officer or member of the JMHS ASB may be recalled and discharged under the provision that the officer does not fulfill his/her duties and responsibilities outlined by this constitution. Other means by which an ASB representative may be discharged include:

a. Egregious violations of the school rules leading to suspension, or

b. By a proposal from an ASB Representative with a confirmation vote of 2/3 of the members of the ASB.

If the officer is recalled, his/her office is to be declared vacant and shall be filled according to the provisions of this constitution.

Section 9: An officer of the ASB may resign from office by submitting a statement of resignation to the ASB Cabinet and Advisor, and after its approval, the office is to be declared vacant and filled according to the terms of this constitution.

Section 10: An office of the ASB Cabinet declared vacant might be filled by appointment by the ASB Advisor with the approval of the cabinet.

Section 11: Candidates for the ASB offices must have the approval of their respective principal, vice-principal, ASB Advisor, and counselors and will be elected via the vote of the entire student body.

Section 12: Nomination for ASB officers shall be made by petition. Each petition shall include the signature of no less than twenty-five (25) voters, and shall be received by the ASB Vice-President the last day of school in April. Petitions for class officers shall include no less than thirty-five (35) signatures of the appropriate class.

Section 13: Campaign guidelines include:

  1. All posters and flyers may be placed on walls with wood boards only.

  2. Posters and flyers may not be taped on painted surfaces.

  3. Posters may be placed inside classrooms with the approval of the teacher.

  4. The use of any school-owned art supplies shall not be used in the construction of posters or flyers.

  5. ASB shall have the power to determine whether posters or flyers are inappropriate.

  6. Any posters or flyers not conforming to ASB council election guidelines shall be removed.

  7. Any candidate that is found tampering or removing posters and/or flyers of opposing candidates will be immediately disqualified.

  8. Results of the election will not be posted until all posters and banners are removed. The candidates are responsible for the removal of all their publicity materials.

Section 14: The senior and junior class officers shall be elected by popular vote of their respective classes no later than the last school day in April prior to the school year to which they will hold office.

Section 15: Officers Names and Duties


Student Name


Executive President

Preside at meetings

Executive Vice President


Presides at meetings if president is absent

Executive Secretary


Records minutes

Executive Treasurer


Policy-guided funds and disbursements

Article V


Section 1: The Associated Student Body cabinet shall charter all student clubs and organizations.

Section 2: In order for the cabinet to consider a club or organization on campus, a representative from the club must submit the proper application which must include the following: Club President, Club Treasurer, Club Faculty Advisor, signature of a school administrator/counselor, purpose of the club, prerequisites for membership, meeting dates, meeting times, and meeting location. If the club will be fundraising, explanation of the club function, and a copy of the club's constitution. The officers signing on the application agree to all the rules and regulations listed in the packet.

Section 3: Per San Diego Unified School District regulations, all clubs and organizations financial accounts fall under the direct control of the Associated Student Body Council. All recognized clubs and organizations of JMHS will have a monetary account in the financial office of JMHS. All financial transactions that pertain to a club or organization must be made through JMHS's financial office. It is illegal for any club or organization to have cash outside of this account or make any financial transactions without the consent and approval of JMHS's financial office.

Section 4: The Associated Student Body Council is empowered to revoke club and organizations for lack of attendance at club council meetings, not turning in minutes on due date, and lack of participation in school-wide events. This will all be at the discretion of the ASB President and ASB Advisor.

Section 5: Club Council meetings will take place with a representative from each club the last Wednesday of every month at lunchtime to discuss events, problems, and situations that are club related on the JMHS campus. During the meetings, the entire Council must be present. The Council shall be composed of one representative from each club and organization. An alternate representative shall be chosen and shall attend the Club Council meetings when the chosen representative is unable to attend. Each respective club will choose these representatives. Minutes from individual club or organization meetings from the previous month will be due at each Club Council meeting.

Section 6: The ASB President or Vice-President shall supervise the activities of the Club Council while the Commissioner of Clubs and Organizations shall preside at all meetings without the right to vote unless the Assembly is equally divided.

Section 7: A club roster must be submitted and updated as the membership changes. A representative from the club must be present to answer questions at the ASB Cabinet meetings, if requested.

Section 8: If a club or organization is deemed detrimental to the general welfare of JMHS students or the school itself, then the ASB Council with a majority vote and the approval of administration may disband the club or organization. This vote may only take place after a hearing in which all parties wishing to speak are given equal opportunity to do so.

Article VI


Section 1: This constitution can be amended or have parts repealed at the consent of the ASB Cabinet by a two-thirds majority vote.

Section 2: No amendment or repeal shall become effective until approved by the administrative council of JMHS.

Article VII


Section 1: The Advisor of the Associated Student Body shall be the official representative of the administrative council at all functions of the Associated Student Body. The principal shall appoint the Advisor.

Section 2: All activities of the ASB Council shall be under direct supervision and control of the Advisor. No policy of the ASB shall be implemented, nor authority exercised, without the consent of the Advisor.

Section 3: The Advisor shall serve as a silent officer of the ASB Council and shall enjoy all the privileges of regular council or committee membership, without a vote unless a tie occurs and the vote is deemed necessary. Decisions made by the council or any committee may be reconsidered by the Advisor and, in such cases, the decision of the Advisor shall be final and binding.

Section 4: No meeting of the Council shall take place unless the Advisor attends it or any person designated by the Advisor.

Article VIII


Section 1: The powers of the ASB shall be to direct, manage, supervise, and control business property and funds, and to supervise, regulate, and assist in activities and fundraisers of clubs, organizations, and school events.

Section 2: All policies and actions of the ASB shall be subject to control and regulations by the administrative council of JMHS and the Board of Education of the San Diego Unified School District.

Section 3: The student body cabinet shall interpret the scope and meaning of the constitution and by-laws subject to review by the Advisor or administrative council of JMHS whose decisions shall be final and binding.

Section 4: The powers of ASB shall appoint one (1) representative to the JMHS Governance Team.

Section 5: The powers of ASB shall hold school-wide elections to appoint three (3) student representatives to the School Site Council.


JMHS ASB Advisor

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