Academic Honesty Policy

James Madison High School Academic and Personal Honesty Policy


Student integrity is an extremely important factor in maintaining an academic environment which is fair, and that preserves the dignity of all students. Each student is responsible for helping to keep this environment intact. This policy, developed by James Madison High School staff, students, and parents, is based on the belief that with trust comes the ability to establish productive staff-student-parent-relationships. All MHS stakeholders are encouraged to base relationships on this fundamental notion of trust. To violate this trust and respect is a very serious matter. Cheating, in any form, is not tolerated. Cheating undermines the academic process, shatters a student's integrity, and destroys the trust necessary for a productive relationship and our goal of excellence. The acts of academic dishonesty outlined in this policy include cheating on tests, fabrication, unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, theft or alteration of materials, text, assignment avoidance, inappropriate use of online resources, pressure for unsubstantiated grade changes, and knowledge of academic dishonesty. These acts will be dealt with as stated in this policy, parents will be notified, and a referral may be recorded. Academic and citizenship penalties will occur; and depending on the offense, suspension form school and school activities (e.g., dances, sporting events, prom, senior activities, commencement) may also occur. All students will have due process.


1. CHEATING: Any intentional giving or using of outside assistance related to an examination, test or quiz, without permission from the teacher, including misuse of any form of technology.


  1. Receive a "zero" on assignment
  2. Citizenship grade lowered
  3. Parents notified
  4. Additional violations: Discipline referral to administration, parent/student conference with teacher and school official, counselor notified; could receive an F/U in the course for the grading period at the teacher’s discretion.

2. THEFT:  Any intentional and unauthorized theft, concealment, alteration, or distribution of student, staff or library material.


  1. Same as cheating
  2. Possible criminal charges
  3. Other school-initiated actions

3. UNAUTHORIZED COLLABORATION: Any collaboration between a student and another person at times or in ways that are not permitted.


  1. Same as cheating

4. FABRICATION: Any intentional falsification or invention of data, source or other authority in an academic exercise.


  1. Receive a "zero" on assignment
  2. Citizenship grade lowered

5. PLAGIARISM/ALTERATION: Any intentional use of another person's ideas, words or work as one's own. Plagiarism includes the misuse of published material, material generated by technology, or the work of another student.


  1. Same as fabrication

6. TEST/ASSIGNMENT AVOIDANCE: Any pattern of absences on test days for the apparent advantage of better grades.


  1. Parents will be notified
  2. Continued occurrence may result in forfeiture of make-up opportunities

7. PRESSURE FOR UNSUBSTANTIATED GRADE CHANGES: Any student or parent/guardian request for a grade change other than to change to correct an averaging recording or other clerical error.

8. MISUSE OF COMPUTERS: Students and parents are required to review and acknowledge understanding of Network Use Guidelines (see below) detailing specific offenses deemed objectionable or dishonest.

9. KNOWLEDGE OF ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Any student who has personal knowledge of a violation of the district policy of academic honesty is to report it to the school authorities. Failure to do so makes a student a party to the cheating
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